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ProHealthNet Wellness Talks: Exercise

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Smart Exercise
To bring about the greatest return for your exercise effort, one must exercise intelligently. When, how much, what should be included, and when not to exercise are all questions that need to be answered in order for exercise to be most effective. During this presentation, you will learn about the components of an exercise program, considerations prior to exercise, how to use your training heart rate, how to stretch effectively, and gain an understanding for the training principles such as “specificity of training” and “progressive overload.” This talk will be beneficial for the first time exerciser – as well as for the old pro.

The “I Hate to Exercise” Exercise Lecture
The benefits of exercise are numerous and nothing impacts your health more positively than exercise. The problem is – you hate to exercise. This talk will help you find ways to reap the benefits of exercise despite your current attitude about exercise. If you are a regular exerciser, this talk will help you become even more consistent and committed to your exercise.

The Ultimate Medicine: Why Exercise is for Everyone
The role of exercise in the prevention of chronic disease is strongly supported by research. Almost all the major “killers” in America can be positively influenced by exercise. This talk will help you understand the health benefits of exercise, recognize the connection between exercise and one’s self-esteem, and learn how exercise can improve the quality of one’s life. Other information covered in this talk will include the Components of an Exercise Program (how to set up a program) and Considerations Prior to an Exercise Program (what to do first). You do not want to miss this humorous, fast-moving, informative talk.

Fitness Testing
ProHealthNet will conduct fitness tests to help determine one’s level of fitness and risk to disease. These tests are voluntary and all results will be kept completely confidential. The tests include a 6-minute submaximal VO2 test (bike ergometer), blood pressure, waist-to-hip ratio, body composition, strength tests, and flexibility tests. The results from these baseline tests can be used to design an employee-based wellness program that will meet the specific needs of your company.

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